2012 Affordable and energy-efficient buildings stakeholder workshop

Financing energy-efficient buildings: How the EU can contribute to affordable housing


Access to affordable housing is a social priority, as housing is recognised as a right of European citizens in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. At the same time, investments in housing contribute to the achievement of EU climate targets, as the building sector represents 40% of the total energy demand.

Within the debate on the future EU cohesion policy, the workshop offered an interesting opportunity for policy-makers and stakeholders to discuss the challenge of affordable and energy-efficient housing. In this field, the EU can play a major role through a consistent regulatory framework and better access to financial resources, including the ERDF.

This Stakeholder Workshop has also been included in the programme of the OPEN DAYS 2012 side events.

Over 100 manufacturers from associations across Europe and representatives of the European Institutions participated in the enriching discussions.


    Thanks again to the speakers for a very successful event:

    MEP Karl-Heinz Florenz (Host),  Paul Jeffrey, Ecorys UK;  Stephen Duffy, European Commission, DG Regional Policy; MEP Lambert Van Nistelrooij, Vice-President European Parliament Urban intergroup; Heimo Scheuch, TBE President; Antonio Paparella, European Commission, DG Enterprise; Paul Hodson, European Commission, DG Energy; Claire Roumet, CECODHAS (Chair)